
How To Close IndusInd Bank Account Online?

Bank accounts are a quintessential part of our lives. From helping us manage our savings to helping us sort out our investments and financial planning, they assist in a lot of things. However, everything runs its course eventually. So, if you have a bank account that you don’t need anymore, it is always better to close the account rather than letting it pile up in terms of the unnecessary charges.

If you are looking to close the IndusInd Bank account online, be assured that you can’t do it online. Instead, you’ll have to do it by visiting the nearest or the home branch where you have the account. We’d recommend going to the latter to make the account closure process seamless and hassle-free.

IndusInd Bank has gained a lot of popularity among its users over time. They are popular for their digital services, not to mention that they offer a lot better interest rates and organized workaround in the bank.

However, there could be several reasons why you’d need to close your IndusInd bank account and if you are stuck trying to figure out how to close the bank account, we have got your back.

Why do people close their IndusInd Bank account?

When it comes to closing any bank account, the choices are subjective. It doesn’t matter if it is for an IndusInd bank or some other bank; the reasons are pretty much something that will vary from one customer to the next. Ideally, this is where you need to step up your game. 

If you are closing your bank account, the primary reasons why you are doing it will vary and some of the common reasons behind the same include:

  • Lower rate of interest
  • Not satisfied with the customer service of the bank officials
  • Don’t need this bank account anymore
  • Have multiple bank accounts in the same bank
  • Bank doesn’t have the required digital services
  • Increased charges on the transactions

If you are confused about why you want to close the IndusInd bank account, chances are that it is one of these reasons.

How to close the IndusInd Bank account?

Once you have the basic knowledge about your savings account and have a reason in mind as to why you want to close the account, the next thing that you need to do is follow the steps that we have sorted down below:

  • The first step is to collect your IndusInd bank closure application form from the nearest branch or you can directly download and print it from the official website of the bank. We’d recommend that you do what is more convenient and accessible for you.
  • Once you have the closure application form, the next thing that you need to do is focus on filling out all the designated fields that are mentioned on the form. You need to fill in every single detail without missing it.
  • The closure application should be signed too. If it is a joint bank account, you then need to ensure that all the beneficiaries of the account should sign the closure form.
  • Along with the closure application, you need to submit the KYC documents with address, ID proof for verification purposes. Make sure you photocopy all of these essential documents and then self-attest them before submitting them.
  • The account holder also has to submit the debit card, balance cheques and the passbook of the account with the application while closing their bank account.

Following the above pointers will ensure that you can close the IndusInd bank account without any complications at all.

How to close the IndusInd Current bank account?

Since Current bank accounts come with a lot of formalities, it isn’t surprising that closing the bank account is a lot of extra steps too.

Besides the standard steps that we have mentioned above, the current bank account holder also has to apply addressed to the bank manager, citing their reason for closing the bank account.

This is mandatory because the bank manager wants to verify the reasons before they process the account closure procedure.

What to keep in mind before closing the IndusInd bank account?

Before you close your IndusInd bank account, keep the following pointers in mind:

  • Ensure that you maintain the minimum account balance before closing the account. This will prevent you from getting charged extra fees or penalties.
  • If you have automated payments associated with the account, terminate them.
  • Get a complete statement for the bank account before closing it.

Keep in mind that once you close your IndusInd bank account, you can’t reopen it. You will have to go and open a branch new account from scratch. So, we’d highly recommend that you only close your bank account if you are sure that you won’t be using the bank account in the future. Also, we hope this article gives you all the insights about the same.

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