If waging wars and kingdom politics soar your adrenaline, Vikings is a must-watch for you. The story of a raid-hungry King who wants to conquer the world, Vikings is full of brotherhood, betrayals, backstabbing and bereavement. But the episodes are long, and sometimes re-watching them to brush up your memory before the upcoming, much-awaited second part of the final season can be a drudge. That’s where we come in. Here’s a detailed recap and index of the Vikings series to help you through!
Index of Vikings
Index of Vikings Season 1: Waging Wars
Episode Number | Episode Name | Link to the Episode |
1. | Rites of Passage | Check here |
2. | Wrath of the Northmen | Check here |
3. | Dispossessed | Check here |
4. | Trial | Check here |
5. | Raid | Check here |
6. | Burial of the Dead | Check here |
7. | A King's Ransom | Check here |
8. | Sacrifice | Check here |
9. | All Change | Check here |
Brace yourself to be introduced to the ruthless, merciless world of Ragnar Lothbrok – oh, and not to forget, mysterious too. Ragnar was an able warrior as he was a farmer, and had one and only one motive to fulfil – to sail and raid every shore across the sea. Ragnar is someone who always saw the bigger picture; the bigger haul; the greater giveaway.
However, as the saying goes – nothing comes easy. Ragnar finds himself in a pickle when the local chieftain insists that all his raiders be sent to the East rather than the West. The word ‘rather’ being used here for the sole reason that the East was allegedly poor, suffering through poverty-stricken lifestyles and little to nothing to raid. On the other hand, the uncharted West would be the area a real raider would rather sail to. But that wasn’t the case, or wasn’t going to be the case with Ragnar.
Things worsen when Ragnar pairs up with his friend Foki who is also an amble boat builder – only to conquer the shores of the North. And this is what wages wars; the first declaration of it all. But the season isn’t just about war and bloodshed.
As the season progresses, the nitty-gritty of family and brotherhood has been depicted; not to forget the one-of-a-kind love between Ragnar and his wife. The story revolves around Ragnar, his jealous brother Rollo, his nemesis Earl, his beautiful yet disloyal wife Siggy, and the monk Athelstan – whose morals don’t quite sit well with the ones of the Vikings.
Index of Vikings Season 2: A Bagful of Betrayals
Episode Number | Episode Name | Link to the Episode |
1. | Brother's War | Check here |
2. | Invasion | Check here |
3. | Treachery | Check here |
4. | Eye For an Eye | Check here |
5. | Answers in Blood | Check here |
6. | Unforgiven | Check here |
7. | Blood Eagle | Check here |
8. | Boneless | Check here |
9. | The Choice | Check here |
10. | The Lord's Prayer | Check here |
With great powers come great responsibilities, and sometimes those responsibilities get lost amidst betrayals and faith. Season 2 witnesses the rise and fall of the brothers, a bagful of betrayals, uncomfortably astonishing alliances, and friends turning to foes.
So much so that tension arises between Ragnar and his wife, barring him from being anywhere close to his son. Scores get settled, new plans hatch, and there’s bloodshed everywhere – all under the due vigilance of the Gods.
The characters in this season are compared to the Norse gods. Such as, Ragnar is compared to Odin – both of whom were too hungry for knowledge or what they want, so much so that they end up sacrificing anything, like Odin sacrificed his eye.
A touch of Freyja’s split personality has been seen in Lagertha and Aslaug. The warrior in Freyja is seen in Lagertha, while the fertile personality of her’s is seen in Aslaug. Both being justified when Lagertha strips herself off of her feminity due to the constant trauma she suffers through, and Aslaug begetting the child of the man whose fate she was scared of.
Ragnar stands by King Horik, but the latter has yet to prove whose ally he really is and whether he can really be trusted. Other than that, King Horik is believed to be the major mastermind to pull the strings such that the fire between Ragnar and Rollo rages even more.
Index of Vikings Season 3: The Crafty King
Episode Number | Episode Name | Link to the Episode |
1. | Mercenary | Check here |
2. | The Wanderer | Check here |
3. | Warrior's Fate | Check here |
4. | Scarred | Check here |
5. | The Usurper | Check here |
6. | Born Again | Check here |
7. | Paris | Check here |
8. | To the Gates! | Check here |
9. | Breaking Point | Check here |
10. | The Dead | Check here |
Ragnar sets off with his troop of Norse settlers to go call what is rightfully his – the land promised by King Ecbert. However, the sneaky king asks him to fight the Mercian soldiers, along with his men – all for Princess Kwenthrith. Thus putting out a clear declaration of him losing his land if he dares to refuse.
Torstein dies, which makes Floki question as to why, for the life of himself, would Ragnar even bother fighting for the Christians. Let alone fighting, one of them even ended up dead. Floki starts to get frustrated, as he hated Christianity with all his heart and soul. So much so that he ended up killing one of Ragnar’s closest friends – Athelstan, the monk who had faiths in Christianity.
Lagertha’s earldom gets taken up by Kalf, and Siggy drowns to death – leaving Rollo shattered to pieces. On the other hand, Þórunn and Bjorn’s baby is born and gets named after Siggy’s honour. Most of the latter part of the season revolves around Ragnar leading his raid in Paris, which turns out to be an epic fail – leaving the raid-thirsty king heartbroken.
The ending gets all the more baffling. The Franks try to bargain with Ragnor instead, trying to offer him gold and silver. However, Ragnar rather asks to be baptized and buried instead – indicating that he has lost of all his Norse’s faith, or rather, given up on it.
In the finale, we see Ragnar’s coffin been taken to the grave; a Ragnar who has succumbed to the wounds of the battles. However, a clear twist of events takes place when he springs out of his closed shell, alive and thriving.
He commands his Vikings men to raid the place, following which Rollo stays in France and he and his men sail home. On their way back, Ragnar tells Floki that he knew he killed Athelstan all along.
Index of Vikings Season 4: All Eyes on The Raid-Hungry Ragnar
Episode Number | Episode Name | Link to the Episode |
1. | A Good Treason | Check here |
2. | Kill the Queen | Check here |
3. | Mercy | Check here |
4. | Yol | Check here |
5. | Promised | Check here |
6. | What Might Have Been | Check here |
7. | The Profit and the Loss | Check here |
8. | Portage | Check here |
9. | Death All 'Round | Check here |
10. | The Last Ship | Check here |
11. | The Outsider | Check here |
12. | The Vision | Check here |
13. | Two Journeys | Check here |
14. | In the Uncertain Hour Before the Morning | Check here |
15. | All His Angels | Check here |
16. | Crossings | Check here |
17. | The Great Army | Check here |
18. | Revenge | Check here |
19. | On the Eve | Check here |
20. | The Reckoning | Check here |
We all can’t let go, and neither will you be able to get over to Season 3’s battle, one of the most iconic battles in history. It had a whole series of events – Ragnar rising from the dead like a phoenix, and snatching his victory from the jaws of defeat.
However, when he sails back home to Kattegat, he is still presumably very ill, almost in a half dead condition. As the saying goes, the King’s death is but everyone else’s opportunity.
Much like Game of Thrones turned out to be – with Robert Baratheon falling sick and bedridden, other nobles found their chance to grasp the Iron Throne and started stitching their web if betrayal.
Similarly, when the other kings and queens got to know that our valorant, raid-hungry King might be on his way to death, especially Queen Aslaug and her oldest son Bjorn, they started working upon it and plotting plans to get him overthrown for once and for all.
On the other hand, Lagertha was still undergoing power struggles with Kalf, who also happened to be second in command – but unfortunately of the calculating, scheming and shrewd type instead.
Rollo is still in Frankia like he was in the previous series, something that goes on to prove his disloyalty towards the Vikings. And about Floki, season three ended with Ragnar revealing about him knowing regarding Floki’s wrongdoings, such as murdering Athelstan.
Thus, this season looks at Floki being seized for the same.
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Index of Vikings Season 5: Death, Destruction, and Doom.
Episode Number | Episode Name | Link to the Episode |
1. | "The Departed Part 1" | Check here |
2. | "The Departed Part 2" | Check here |
3. | "Homeland" | Check here |
4. | "The Plan" | Check here |
5. | "The Prisoner" | Check here |
6. | "The Message" | Check here |
7. | "Full Moon" | Check here |
8. | "The Joke" | Check here |
9. | "A Simple Story" | Check here |
10. | "Moments of Vision" | Check here |
11. | "The Revelation" | Check here |
12. | "Murder Most Foul" | Check here |
13. | "A New God" | Check here |
14. | "The Lost Moment" | Check here |
15. | "Hell" | Check here |
16. | "The Buddha" | Check here |
17. | "The Most Terrible Thing" | Check here |
18. | "Baldur" | Check here |
19. | "What Happens in the Cave" | Check here |
20. | "Ragnarok" | Check here |
The new season starts with Bjorn as the ruler of Kattegat, and Ivar struggling under a merciless dictator. Initially, it was Ivar ruling Kattegat, fierce and powerful. But this was till mid-season, post which we witnessed Bjorn take over Kattegat instead, and Ivar running into hiding, courtesy to his men not ready to support him.
Elsewhere in England, jealousy ensues between Alfred and Athelered when the former gets named as the King of Wessex. On the other hand, Floki’s plan to create a utopia fails time and again as more and more of his men fall prey to illnesses and betrayals, eventually failing forever.
In the midst of it all, Athelered hatches a conspiracy against his own brother, waging wars between Alfred and Harald. Even though Alfred wins and Harald bites the dust, the former loses his trustable ally, Bishop Heahmund. However, brotherhood instincts set in, and Athelred saves Alfred’s life and kills his own desire for the throne instead.
In the fights and flights, the former rule of Kattegat, Lagertha goes missing as well. Her traumatic experiences do no good to her mental health, as it gets severely affected alongside her physical health. However, she later joins Bjorn in Kattegat by the end of the season.
By the finale, we see Harald in a questionable physical state after the arrow strikes him on his chest while saving Bjorn in the battle. Whether he is to live or die is what the next season would answer. Meanwhile, the character whom we know is dead for sure is Ivor’s wife Freydis; after the former, himself strangled her to death for delivering a deformed baby.
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Index of Vikings Season 6: The Great Battle
Episode Number | Episode Name | Link to the Episode |
1. | "New Beginnings" | Check here |
2. | "The Prophet" | Check here |
3. | "Ghosts, Gods, and Running Dogs" | Check here |
4. | "All The Prisoners" | Check here |
5. | "The Key" | Check here |
6. | "Death and the Serpent" | Check here |
7. | "The Ice Maiden" | Check here |
8. | "Valhalla Can Wait" | Check here |
9. | "Resurrection" | Check here |
10. | "The Best Laid Plans" | Check here |
The main highlight of this season was the great battle, which could come off as out of order and in disarray. Fans and critics regard it as the most confusing battle to follow of all times; interspersed by many things such as Bjorn’s and Ivar’s emotional conversation by the beach.
Ivar seems to be with both groups of the battle at all times, once when Rus attack via ships and Ivar’s planning to transport troops, and another time when the Rus were climbing cliffs. Bjorn’s enemy during the battle is way too powerful, so much so that the former seems to stand little to no chance at all. The Vikings men seem feeble and unable in front of their opposition, the latter overpowering them constantly throughout the first part of the season.
Gunnhild loses her child, the one she had with Bjorn and sails away to safety amidst the battle, though badly wounded. Bjorn’s other wife, Ingrid is pursued by Harald who wants to make her the queen of Norway. By the end, we see Harald dying by the beach, and Erik grabbing his crown and running away with it.
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That’d be all for Vikings up till now. The second part of season six will be gracing screens in a few days, sometime in December. Before that, we hope our article helped you catch up with the major plot point before delving into the brand new episodes. Happy Binging!
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