Urdu is one of the prominent languages spoken in India. If you know someone, who loves and values the language you can communicate with them in Urdu. When the New Year is round the corner, it would be good to collect New Year wishes in Urdu and send them to friends and anyone close. 

There are several websites where you can find soulful Happy New Year Wishes in Urdu. You can copy it directly from the website and send it using the chat platforms. If you plan to send an offline greeting card to your friend who knows Urdu, you can even pen down the special messages on the card. 

It would make the card look special and attractive. When the special words are written in the favorite language, it depicts the message more aesthetically.

Happy New Year 2024: Wishes, Quotes & Messages on Images in Urdu

Happy New Year Wishes in Urdu

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Why should you send New Year wishes in Urdu?

Urdu is the first language of around 70 million people and the second language for more than 100 million people. This language is predominantly used by the people of Pakistan and India. Urdu is one of the beautiful languages and is known for its sweetness. 

It has dominated Indian literature for a long time and you can find the most magnificent words in Urdu. That is the reason that you can send Happy New Year Messages in Urdu to the people you love and value. 

It is easier to share affection through words and Urdu is just an appropriate language to do it. In case someone doesn’t understand, the language you can mention the translated version of the sentences. 

The person would feel special when you share messages in Urdu. When you are starting a new year of your life, you can share the happiness and excitement through expressive Urdu words.

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Where can you get the New Year wishes in Urdu?

Happy New Year Messages in Urdu

If you are well versed in the Urdu language, you can easily make up your messages. You know your family and friends very well and know what kind of messages they would prefer. You can either create your own or can get ideas from the internet. 

There is a wide range of options available on the internet and you can choose as per your preference. Various websites have come up with beautiful messages, greetings, quotations, and picture messages. 

You can easily find them using the Google search engine and send them across. The New Year’s wishes can be long and meaningful or short and crisp. 

The picture messages need to be downloaded to the device before sending them using Whatsapp, Hangouts, or Telegram. When you wish others, you feel contented and happy from inside.

Check our wishes collection on New Year 2024:

Happy New Year 2024 Status in Urdu 

Happy New Year Status in Urdu

Updating Happy New Year Status in Urdu is yet another way of spreading the happiness and joy of the New Year. People from various parts of the world can view your status and share the happiness with you. When you share wishes and good thoughts for New Year, you spread positivity around you.


Happy New Year 2024 Images in Urdu

Happy New Year Images in Urdu

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About New Year Wishes in Urdu

1. Should I send New Year wishes to distant relatives?

Yes, you can send it. By sending a wish you are wishing them good luck and happiness.

2. Do I need the internet to send messages always?

No, if you are sending text messages, you can send them without the internet.


Happy New Year Wishes in Urdu

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